Online exam, web proctored

Danish version >>


  1. Create a profile at before starting the course. Remember to fill in all fields in your profile.
    NOTE: If you already have a profile, you must log in at

  2. Register for the exam on your profile – click here if you need help.
    Your Voucher code for the exam is provided in your welcoming email from Peopleteam. If you have not received a vocher code as agreed, please contact Peopleteam.

For a good exam experience, we recommend that you:

  • Take the exam as soon as possible after your course
  • Ensure that your premises meet PeopleCert requirements – see requirements here >>

When you have finished the online exam, you will be shown your preliminary result (pass/fail). After a few days, you will receive an email with your final result and the opportunity to download your certificate (provided you have passed the exam).


Questions and contact

Please contact PeopleCert >> customer support directly via chat if you have any questions or comments to the technical setup of the exam.

You are welcome to contact Peopleteam in case of questions or comments to the contents of the related course.