Checklist for a great in-house course with Peopleteam

Please read this guide carefully

Dansk udgave >>

Peopleteam will be doing a course for your company soon. Please follow this checklist carefully in order to get the best possible course experience.

Any comments or questions are welcome – please contact us at

The guide is valid for these courses (we apologize for any inconvenience – some links point to Danish text even if the course is held in English):



Please make sure that the following is taken care of well in advance of the course (see more below the list):

  • Venue and catering (well in advance)
  • List of participants (approx. 2 weeks before)
  • Welcome mail (approx. 1 week before)
  • Technical equipment (network/laptop/PC)


Please ensure lunch for all participants and the trainer during the course. We recommend access to fruit and beverages during the course – and maybe also cake or other extra catering in the afternoon.

Book a suitable room for training. See these checklists:

Special checklists:


If the course includes an exam, then each participant should have their own table, making it impossible to see each others monitor.



Ideally, the following catering is available:

  • Breakfast 30 minutes before course start
  • Lunch for participants and trainer
  • Access to fruit and beverages during the day
  • Cake/healthy alternatives int the afternoon


List of participants

Please send list of participants to Peopleteam approx. 2 weeks before the course. The list can be a spreadsheet with fulle name, mail address and mobile number and any comments/special needs for individual participants.

Download a template here >>


Welcome mail

Peopleteam will send a welcome mail to the participants 5-7 days before the course, including the most important information regarding the course.


Technical setup (internet/laptop/PC)

Most of our courses use online/digital course materials from the laptops of the participants. Exam is also done electronically on your own laptop..

Your laptop should have at least the following specifications:

  • Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Edge (Internet Explorer is not recommended)
  • Screen resolution 1024×768 or higher
  • Stable internet access


Course start and during the course

Trainer access

Please make sure that the trainer can access the classroom 30-60 minutes before course start. This is usually agreed specifically for each course.


Contact person

In order to ensure the best possible course experience, there should be a dedicated contact assigned to the course to ensure access, technical setup etc.


Questions and contact

Please contact Peopleteam with questions and comments (contact form in Danish)